How can I help?

Let's collaborate to create a solution that not only fits your business needs but also suits your budget. To spark our brainstorming session, here are a few examples of project scopes to ignite our creativity.


Whether you're navigating transitions, scaling rapidly, or aiming for operational efficiency, my fractional COO services offer a flexible approach tailored to your business's unique needs.

Deliverable: Immediate Impact. I hit the ground running without the need for any extensive training. I will swiftly identify operational gaps, implement strategic solutions, and drive immediate, measurable results.


Locking in a vision marks just the starting line for game-changing transformation. To get everyone on board, you've got to stir up some input and active involvement across all layers of your organization.

Deliverable: Crafting a roadmap for the grand reveal of your vision, complete with checkpoints and success metrics. I'll be in the trenches with your team, not just ensuring they grasp the business vision but also weaving an emotional connection to its triumph.

Marketing Effectiveness

Wondering if your marketing dollars are pulling their weight? Let's bring in an external perspective to dissect your tactics, crunch the numbers on ROI, and uncover fresh opportunities.

Deliverable: A thorough ROI analysis, a deep dive into your media channels with a fine-tuned optimization plan, and, of course, a new channel recommendation to amp up your marketing game.

Project Management

Rolling out a project management tool and crafting a seamless process around it is your ticket to boosting efficiencies by a solid 10-20%.

Deliverable: Diving into the processes, scrutinizing software options, giving you the lowdown on recommendations, and finally, making sure your team not only adopts but also masters the new system through top-notch implementation and training.

Operational Upgrade

In the span of three months, I can wrap up a thorough 360 review of your existing business framework, strategy, and talent pool.

Deliverable: Handing over a comprehensive audit, complete with operational recommendations that not only predict outcomes but also come with success metrics to keep your progress in check.

Process Design
& Training

Without a solid process in place, things can get a bit chaotic – irregular outputs, clients slipping away, financial hiccups, hiring that's not quite up to snuff, and the grand champion: unexpected curveballs. I'll pinpoint spots for process upgrades that translate directly to revenue growth or streamlined spending.

Deliverable: A thorough process assessment, a blueprint for design and implementation, topped off with some employee training. But wait, there's more – I'll stick around three months, post roll-out, keeping an eye on things, tweaking and optimizing to make sure everything's running as smoothly as a well aged Bourbon.